As first reported at Peta Pixel (http://tiny.cc/c29avz), the SanDisk Extreme Pro are simply no longer a safe storage or backup tool. At first I really didn’t give this article much serious thought as all of mine SanDisks have been backed up. Then a friend of mine called, totally depressed with her potential loss of data from her recent Africa trip.

First off I told her I could help get her data back using software recovery programs that I have on hand (nothing by SanDisk or Western Digital). So I grabbed a recently used SanDisk SSD that I knew had images on it. Boom……No Images. I’m now concerned that I cant help her recover her data base on what I have read.

Fast forward, there is no fix and I’m lucky that I’m triple backed up using other types of drives. I must admit, I have been using these drives for several years and have recommended them to safari clients for years. No Longer.

Western Digital has stated that they will have a firmware fix our soon, but only after being hit with a class action suit.

For now, don’t use these drives and find another storage media ASAP and remap your backup flow if you use these drives. Later, I’ll share how I have changed my backup workflow and my move away from SanDisk.